Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Oh, Chandler....

Okay, I know that if I don't blog it I won't remember it! Chandler met a great friend at his new school and decided to train for a triathalon!! I know I'm stunned and really proud of him! He started the first part of September. His first day of swimming he really tried and swam 4 lengths of the pool. He was kinda bummed about it but, I told him keep trying you'll get there. After the third week he was swimming 18 lengths without stopping!! Go Phelps!! Didn't know I had a fish!! So I was taking him to swim again and he leans over to me and says "Mom, do you think that I look good in these?" Refering to his knee-length speedo trunks. "Sure! Chandler Why?" "Because, I do and most kids can't pull these off!" "Oh!" Was all I could say and that was the end of it. I had to do some serious driving to keep from laughing! He's 9!! Serious?! That was just funny to me!! Please tell... do other kids think of random things like this?? Do share I love them!! Love ya Chandler!! Keep up the hard work!


Kathy C said...

That is hilarious! Way to have some good, healthy self-esteem, Chandler!

I remember when Jessie was around two, I said to her, "Why are you so cute?" She answered, "Because I'm so beautiful and smart."

Love it!

Christine said...

That is so funny! It doesn't seem possible that they can come up with this stuff so young, huh?

Well, Cole and I like to go for bike rides together. Not on separate bikes, no he likes to get on my back and make me do all the work. The other day as we were heading off he said, "Mom, go as fast as you can." I said okay and took off with what I THOUGHT was pretty fast. After a few seconds he says, "Is THAT as fast as you can go?" Apparently, I'm just not fast enough anymore! He's only 4!

Lisa said...

Oh my heck, that is too cute!! I am cracking up. He is such a sweet boy! Brave too, I would never be able to do a triathalon! Go Chandler!!!